DPRK planning 2024 attack on South Korea is a Biden fail among other things

Here is how Biden put China, DPRK and Russia together in a tight alliance by supporting Nazis in Ukraine, and starting a devastating war. The war outcome is already looking to be catastrophic for North America and much of the world as inflation strangles ordinary people’s lives.

Averting the worsening crisis of growing numbers of wars seems unlikely if it is correct to say that Americans have only Donald Trump and Joseph Biden to choose from as their leader because in America, democracy fails, all institutions that should serve the people are politicized for the benefit of those persons in power, and the White House is now perpetually a lying, corrupt institution run by creepy politicrats for geriatric senile politicians, not for good public policy but for political power. Self-interest reins and politicians conduct their corrupt activities with impunity.

America continues to bomb the nearly defenceless people of Gaza and Yemen. The U.S. has a long history of slaughtering defenceless people that continues to this day. Those vulnerable peoples do not fight back. China will. DPRK can’t wait. Russia is on its way.

Can America meet its commitments, sending 600,000 troops to the Korean Peninsula and 500,000 to Taiwan as well as a million to Europe? America will need its troops at home to try and rejig some form of national infrastructure as its cities are incinerated by DPRK and Russia, maybe China.

Would China invade Taiwan? A Chinese invasion of Taiwan could have severe economic consequences. Estimates suggest that cutting off Taiwan from international trade could impact up to $10 trillion, about 10% of the world economy, and the rich would rapidly become poor. The average person might not be so badly impacted in the hand-to-mouth regions of the world where most of Earth’s human populations live. But China would suffer.

A war on Taiwan would be pure madness because the only thing that would change is the name. People’s Republic of China versus Republic of China. Taiwan would still be an autonomous province of China but many people would be dead and the cost in all would be atrocious and lasting.

Chinese missiles could target U.S. airbases in Philippines, Japan and Guam, sinking aircraft carriers and several destroyers and cruisers during the initial rapid China invasion. The Chinese navy would encircle Taiwan, ferrying tens of thousands of PLA soldiers across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan’s army would engage the invaders on the coast, while U.S. submarines, bombers, and attack aircraft from the Philippines, if anything existed after the initial damaging missile attacks, could cripple the Chinese amphibious fleet as best they could. Despite the challenges, Taiwan would likely remain autonomous in the end even if China was to force control.

The people of Taiwan are happy with the status quo but they fear what could happen if they did not follow America’s preferred plan of sedition. Without American interference in Taiwan, it is hard to say that war would ever be considered.

America’s propensity and cavalier attitude toward killing vulnerable Asians across the Asian continent, has taken out countless millions of civilians since the start of 1945. Americans just don’t care and Washington’s control of the media means the American people just don’t know.

As America works with Israel to slaughter Arab Asians in Gaza, payback day may be coming soon as hundreds of thousands are dying.

Biden has unwittingly compelled the unlikely unity of the DPRK, China, Russia, Iran, Africa, and much of South America. While they all meet in a formal summit annually, the three nuclear nations meet regularly and discuss U.S. Aggression.

China–North Korea–Russia tripoint memorial in Fangchuan, China

China–North Korea–Russia tripoint memorial in Fangchuan, China. Photo taken by Senkaku Islands. Photo is cropped. Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine. (Photo licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 )

The picture and its story.

A trilateral treaty specifies the position of the tripoint of the borders of Russia, North Korea, and China. 

The North Korea–Russia and China–North Korea borders run along the middle of the Tumen River, while the China–Russia border approaches the junction point overland from the north. Because the theoretical tripoint is in the middle of the river, where it would be impractical to install a border monument, an agreement provides instead that the three countries install border monuments on the riverbank, and that the position of the tripoint be determined with respect to those monuments.—Wikipedia

The Biden Administration has dangerously overstressed its relationships with Russia, China and the DPRK to the point of uniting these three nations with over a dozen other nations in BRICS, an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates with many more asking to join.

The angriest bird in the angry bird mix is Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) who is royally pissed at America for its slaughter of over a third of North Korea’s civilian population in the early 1950s; for America’s current blockade of food and medicine for North Korea; for America’s continued slaughter of Asians; for its continued intimidation of the DPRK with war games on North Korea’s borders; and its belligerent and provocative lies about the DPRK to the media, according to women supporters of Chairman Kim in North Korea.

Inspecting the Vostochny Cosmodrome

Russia-DPRK summit 13 September 2023. Trip to the Amur Region. Inspecting the Vostochny Cosmodrome with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un (second right). Roscosmos Director General Yury Borisov (left) and Director General of the Centre for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Nikolai Nestechuk (right) are providing explanations.
Photo Credit: Artem Geodakyan, TASS

Gone are the shocking days of President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un strolling together and speaking softly about the promise of peace as was seen when then South Korean leader Moon Jae-in attended in Pyongyang to discuss various forms of unification of the North and the South of the Korean Peninsula.

For numerous reasons, America betrayed Chairman Kim’s trust and the esprit went to the trash bin, replaced by bitterness and even furious hatred of America in Pyongyang—a fire that needed no fuel at all but got plenty. Nobody suggests that situation is reversible. War will be.

Last week the DPRK said about joint American and South Korean drills practicing their invasion plans against North Korea, “In case the U.S. and South Korea carry into practice their already announced plan for military drills that DPRK, with justified apprehension and reason, regards as preparations for an aggression war, they will face unprecedentedly persistent and strong counteractions,” the North Korean Foreign Ministry said in a poignant statement a week ago.

Photo: Vladimir Smirnov, TASS

Vladimir Putin with Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un Before a joint visit to the Vostochny Cosmodrome. Photo Credit: Vladimir Smirnov, TASS

Kim Jong Un is reminded by his war council that he is now best friends with neighbours China and Russia who need him as an ally.

As Kim Jong Un and neighbour Vladimir Putin build closer friendship ties that are seemingly genuine—both men respect each other, and both have a common enemy in NATO which has been enforcing America’s naval blockade of North Korea thus compelling the DPRK to do its trading by land with Russia and China not forgetting to mention Iran and other close and distant neighbours. All the While, Russia is at war with NATO in Ukraine and on Russian soil.

That means Russia and China are building on fruitful agreements that include supplies from North Korea’s massive conventional war munitions industry which both Russia, now at war against NATO in Ukraine and China, preparing for war against America which now again occupies the Philippines with over nine military bases from which to fight a war with China over Taiwan.

Background: How Biden Put China, DPRK and Russia into the tightest alliance ever by supporting Nazis in Ukraine.

Biden and his cabinet whom some theorize for personal gains have unwittingly set humanity up for a World War

Pyongyang must invade South Korea to destroy or drive out the massive American military presence of 28,500 U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines and their weapons and munitions on the Korean Peninsula.

Meanwhile China has long planned to change the political direction of Taiwan which is becoming an American military puppet off the China mainland.

American and South Korean troops are no match for the 1.2 million DPRK conventional forces, special operations units, and significant artillery and missile capabilities plus more than 800,000 ready reservists. Some 630,000 DPRK troops are stationed near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.

Russia is fighting America on Ukrainian soil and a distraction on the Korean peninsula would be very helpful. Each of these three nations have every reason to support each other and their allies also have a stake in small or large measure depending on the case.

Biden Administration Legacy is one of epic incompetence, corruption and bloodshed according to historical records and USA criminal investigations raising many questions about Biden’s various misconducts which a recent Democrat Party Special Counsel report said Biden could and should be charged criminally but because of his age and failing memory, it was feared a conviction against Biden could not be attained.

The Biden administration team has been together since the 2008-2016 years in the Vice President’s office of the White House and in all that time has unscrupulously stoked the fires of resentment between Russia and Ukraine to the point of totally controlling Ukraine and forcing Russia into a war with NATO in Ukraine after killing many thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donbass region in Donetsk and Luhansk to name just two now self-governed republics.

“Humanitarian workers in Donbass have been helping families and treating women raped by Nazi militias, American troops and U.S. allies since 2013,” explains Alona Adamovich, a director of The RINJ Foundation in Ukraine who has organized and operated women’s humanitarian missions in Ukraine since the rape and murder of sister Oksana Makar.

Alona Adamovich, a Ukrainian nurse practitioner has sat during her career at the bedside of many senior citizen Jews from both Poland and Ukraine who told her stories of the Nazi’s hell and how they said, “that Nazi hell lives on in Ukraine, supported by America”.

“Propelled across a field by the screamed orders and threats of Nazi SS men, were the frightened mommies and children remembering their warm homes, their safe spaces, their favourite dolls, teddy bears or toys? Were the little angels thinking of those things?”

Forgive deluded exaltation of Waffen SS but do not forgive Nazi


What went through the children’s minds as their mothers sobbed at the sound of the father having his gold teeth smashed from his mouth with rifle butts? Were they numbed by the circumstances, tiredness, pain, hunger? Did the children cry again? Did they feel the pain of the bullets ripping their tissue off their little arms and legs, tearing organs from their small bodies? Do you still cheer the Nazis, Ukraine?

Isaac Kaften and Moishe Saltz, told this author many times what they saw in Ukraine. They are gone now, my adoptive family, may they rest in peace. I will still tell their stories lest anyone forget. I weep at the memory of those great men from the Polish Underground and those difficult days of learning about their holocaust. I had become a tearful Jew long before knowing these tales.

When Isaac’s last living son who was born in freedom, died as a teen, in the early 1960s, a flood of emotions and memories came over Isaac and his wife. Memories of their other children lost, other families, brothers, sisters, moms, dads, murdered by Waffen SS in front of these dear people who lost their freedom-son in a civilized world’s car accident, early-60s. Theirs and my pain from Frank’s death at 14 was long-lived and it punctured—then burst—the enormous bladder of pent-up pained memories of their life experiences as Jews in a Nazi world. I listened until it hurt so much I couldn’t hear a thing, only feel.

Author’s Note: “Years later I talked to some of the witnesses Leon Uris interviewed to create the righteous, bloody, world Mr. Uris created with his work of historical fiction, Exodus (1958). They understood those feelings. They lived that pain. I was just a fleeting descendent of a time that should never be repeated. “Be the one to tell your next generation,” they said. I put my pen and notepad down and thought about that, fifty years ago, now.

“The resurgence of Nazism and Nazi adulation did not start in Canada’s HoC. That was just an accelerator,” commented Moshe Karem (Jerusalem, Israel).

Video: White supremacy fuels American Nazi support

“Biden sent rockets to Ukraine Nazis. Hell yeah Azov!” American Nazis cheer for Joe Biden. The extremist left has this war. ‘The rise of fascism in North America and Europe is as bad today and as quick as the SARS2 pandemic.’

Below is what the real war in Ukraine looks like and what the West’s weapons stand for. Observations from Melissa Hemingway on the ground in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, Hitler salute from the German Leopard Tank with Ukrainian/American flag on the arm.

Ukrainian soldiers, now forbiden by Zelenskyy to wear Nazi insignia and now using the West’s weapons, yell “Heil Hitler,” they say.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Proud Nazis of Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Heil Hitler Nazi salute. Proud Nazis of Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Proud Nazis of Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Staggering reality. Do these kids know what kids before them have suffered at the hands of Nazis? Proud Nazi school children of Ukraine learn Nazi salute in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Proud Mom and Daughter Nazis of Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Proud Swastika-tattooed Nazis marching in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
“Heil Hitler!” Proud Nazis marching in Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute
Proud Nazis parents educating children of Ukraine in 2023. The spread of fascism in Europe comes from Ukraine. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Ukrainian Heil Hitler Salute

Azov member spotted many times in Donbass in past years by human rights investigators. Image credit: Images from several Nazi-Ukraine Telegram Channels and from local nurses’ collections in Russian and Ukraine occupied regions of Donetsk Republic and Luhansk PR.

Those of the passengers of the ship Exodus-1947 still alive today must not be thinking well of Ukraine, and not America or Russia either. The rise of fascism in North America and Europe is as bad today and as quick as was the SARS2 pandemic. War does strange things. War must end.


Biden’s America has managed to destroy many partnerships and antagonize enemies forced to unite. Pushing the three nuclear armed nations together was an extraordinary mistake that ended American global dominance. Any one of the three could destroy America but with all three…most of the world would face destruction.

Estimates suggest that America would need to send 600,000 troops to South Korea to prevent it falling to the DPRK. That would take a while.

America is already building up its military aggression capability and presence in the Philippines in order to fight two wars in the Asian South. The Philippines could be in tatters by the end of 2025.

China’s massive training effort to take over Taiwan forcibly as it has promised to do is not dependent on any other nation. But since America’s Joe Biden has said he will go to war with China if Beijing insists on taking Taiwan by force it may be useful to have America engaged on multiple war fronts like with Yemen, Gaza, Russia in Ukraine and the DPRK in/on the Korean Peninsula.


Russia needs ground-war munitions as does China. North Korea, including reserves, has a two-million person combatant military it continues to support with weapons and munitions from a massive military industrial complex which employs countless DPRK workers.

Every order for DPRK weapons feeds more mouths. Understandably, that is what North Korea must do in order to survive the ongoing war between itself and America, a war that started 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea. The munitions war ended in armistice on 27 July 1953 after months of American carpet bombing of civilians across North Korea, but no official end treaty was signed. North Korea was supported by China and Russia while South Korea was supported by the United States and the now nearly defunct United Nations. What will happen in 2024 is anyone’s guess. Kim Jong Un holds all the cards.

North Korea is on the verge of again attacking South Korea

Kim Jong UN is not a madman as Western pundits of lower intellect claim. He may be the best leader of his type in North Korea, ever. That helps nobody although Kim Jong Un seems to care about his people—the ones who seem to support him.

Mr. Kim certainly seems to be the most ruthless leader if the alleged count of political prisoners is an indicator. But that count is not credible. It comes from an enemy which is still at war with North Korea and likely nonsense.

Mr. Kim certainly has deprived the Korean people of the worth of military production in food and medical supplies, like most countries in the world, unfortunately.

The population of the DPRK is suffering terribly due to unreasonable sanctions and blockades against the country. Most children suffer malnutrition, infant and maternal mortality is just plain scary.

Put all these factors together and there is no reason whatsoever to sanction North Korea. This conduct is just further proof that the UN Security Council is destructive to the human condition and only useful to the U.S. as a tool of the United States which has the most dismal humanitarian track record on the planet. In fact, history shows that America starts more wars and kills more civilians than any entity, disease or human, in the current and past two centuries. America must make a peace with the DPRK and find a better path than belligerence, war and killing, both at home and around the world. Otherwise, the United States must end. It didn’t work. Individual states would be better off on their own, in peace with the world.