Never forget Mahsa Amini, Nika Shakarami, Asra Panahi, said sobbing Iranian schoolgirl

“It is not a protest it is a revolution,” insisted a 15-year-old to Behar Abbasi when the young Gen Z girl was told Asra Panahi had died from her injuries last Wednesday.

Canadians protest in Toronto with a die-in.  They are trying to attract attention to the mass murders of Iranian girls by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Morality police.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has slammed down hard against the. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps banning thousands of them from ever visiting Canada. Any that do sneak into Canada face severe penalties.

Iranian goons are killing ten women and girls per day per estimates. Over 280 deceased thus far. “It’s worse than the West believes,” says Behar Abbasi in Tehran. “For every girl we know is dead there are an average of 20 missing based on the little we know. We’ll know more once we get better communications out to all 36 regions of protest.”

RINJ Foundation protest organizers in Iran have estimated 70 deaths per week since the 16 October 2020 death of Mahsa Amini, not including those girls and young women kidnapped by independent criminal actors who have seized the opportunity to kidnap Gen Z girls for organ harvesting, sex slavery and other human slave-trading crimes.

Organizers from the global women’s rights NGO are protected by private contractor agents who have said very little but will issue a report next week on the matter of freelance criminals in Iran who have been exploiting the open season on Iranian females for criminal activities. When asked, a spokesperson for the group would only say that the persons involved in those criminal activities, when captured, “are not turned over to Iranian authorities.” They refused to answer questions at this time.

One netizen who formerly saluted the Islamic Republic now posts on Twitter, “Islamic Republic is the most insolent, bloodthirsty and barbaric government in human history.”

Security professionals warn that posts like this are often imposter plants embedded by the Iranian security establishment to identify persons on social media they would consider, “enemies of the state”. Hence, netizens should communicate only with people they know,” said Bevereley who is a security operator now assigned to temporary duty in Iran. She accompanies a group of nurses from Afghanistan who are providing first aid to groups of protestors.

Behar Abbasi, a RINJ Women protest organizer explained some of what was happening.

“A young lady who was beaten for not joining a pro-government protest organized by the goons of Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi was taken from her school, beaten, and raped.

“We sent my guard from here and two others to find her, and they succeeded.

“The girl victim was 15. She was treated by our nurses and then taken to her uncle’s home and not her own home in case police were watching her parent’s place. The girl knew Asra Panahi and was very distraught when she learned Asra had died from her injuries last Wednesday. She broke down,” explained Behar.

Iran’s Gen Z girls have an uncanny bond that is beautiful but deadly to scumbags like Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi. They are not backing down from what they now call a “revolution”.

“She cried as we arrived at the uncle’s residence. “Never forget Mahsa Amini, Nika Shakarami, Asra Panahi and at that point she broke down completely and began to shake and sob. She had slipped into a state of mild shock. We left a nurse with her for home care and we check on her daily,” said Behar Abbasi.

“These kids have guts but they are only human. They need a lot of support they are not getting. How many girls like this one are sitting in dark corners, alone, afraid to go home?”

Anger grows as the age of the deceased plummets. Iran is slaughtering its Gen Z Girls.

Asra Panah

Schoolgirl Asra Panahi (16) who died last Wednesday, 12 October 2022, from injuries sustained in a Iranian police beating, had refused at her high school in Ardabil City to join a pro-regime rally. There are still 19 schoolgirls missing from Asra’s school in Ardabil.

  • Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, was beaten to death by Iranian security forces for protesting for women’s rights in Iran. She should not need to protest for women’s rights.

  • Hadis Najafi, 23, who was shot multiple times during demonstrations sparked by the horrific death of Mahsa Amini.

Women protest femicide in Iran.

Mahsa Amini, 22 had never raised her voice before in her life but this death of Mahsa was for many women in Iran the last straw in a theocratic femicide rampage that has killed thousands of women over the years.


Nika Shakermi

Females like Nika Shakarami, 16, did not deserve to be suffering unfathomable torture, rape and then be killed, all because of a legitimate act of protest.