Iran commits femicide over hijab while mass murdering Kurds

“You could be Mahsa Amini,” Behar Abbasi told a summit meeting of women’s rights activists on the weekend. Behar is a human rights activist from Yemen, a writer for Feminine-Perspective Magazine and a much loved director of the RINJ Women rights group.

“Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claims that the #IranProtests by courageous women and girls in the cities of Iran were organized by ‘The West’. That is not true,” Behar Abbasi told her peers. “This man and his inhuman femicidal regime are challenged by women and girls around the world, east, west, north and south.”

Licypriya KangujamThe head of the Child Foundation in India is Licypriya Kangujam. She is seen here on 8 October 2022 attending at the Iran Embassy in New Delhi, cutting off her hair in protest of Iran’s suppression of women’s and girl’s rights. According to Miss Licypriya Kangujam’s website, which is managed by an agency, she is 11 years old. Photo courtesy Miss Licypriya Kangujam’s organization,

Some of the most courageous females fighting Iran’s theological femicide are children from India. Photo courtesy Miss Licypriya Kangujam’s organization. She is the founder and head of Child Movement which is acting in solidarity with women and girls protesting in Iran against violence toward women and more general women’s rights.

“I have attended many planning meetings, safety talks and many protests here in Iran and there is no sign of ‘The West’. None. And there should be. The European Union acts like it does not know how to spell ‘w o m e n’ or ‘Mahsa Amini,  Sarina Esmailzadeh, or little Nika Shakarami'”—her sobbing and tears slowed her comments. Behar and colleagues have risked their lives for these girls. And they were only young girls or young women, early in their teens. Schoolgirls.

“The EU is so focused on killing ethnic Russian women and little girls in Donbass Ukraine, in Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea it cannot even see the femicides of Iran because of the blurry eyes of Ursula von der Leyen as she shrieks for the blood of the Donbass women and children,” Behar continued in a very profound address to the committee. “That was an awakening, to things that had not dawned on me,” said Michele Frances who was teleconferencing from Venezuela.

Ali Khamenei’s bizarre regime is shelling demonstrators in the primarily Kurdish city of Sanandaj where protests have been underway for nearly a month over the death of God’s Daughter, Mahsa Amini who like the people in Sanandaj was Kurdish.

“Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi break all the Shiite definitions and rules and behave like violent Salafists, attacking demonstrators in Sanandaj with artillery,” say feminists.

“Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi continue to belittle the brave girls of Iran and Kurdistan claiming the West is responsible, but it is the Ayatollah who gives the orders to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) who are attacking with artillery and guns the innocent civilian protestors in the Kurdish region city of Sanandaj,” Behar continued.

“Mahsa Amini was a young Kurdish women who came to Tehran to visit family. She stepped out of the underground and was immediately grabbed by the morality police, probably because they were watching the spy cameras in Teheran. Within two days the Ayatollah was having girls killed across the country for taking off their hijab or cutting their hair.

“Women killed for cutting off their long hair. What lunatics do that?”

“Iranian women are intelligent, courageous and tolerant, but this behaviour of the regime deserves no tolerance. It’s called femicide, theological femicide based on the belief that men have the right to kill a woman if she somehow insults the man or insults Allah. That includes cutting her f—–g hair,” Ms. Abbasi emphasized angrily. That has nothing to do with the West it only has to do with the brutish oppressor and the oppressed.

“This is about the brute oppressor and the oppressed, nobody else,” the women’s rights activists agreed.

Restrictions on women are still in place in Iran despite four weeks of protests over Mahsa Amini’s violent, horrible death by Iran’s morality police.

The murder of Mahsa Amini is still unaccounted for. There has been no justice for the dozens of other women killed since 16 September and no justice for the thousands of women killed before then.

Demonstrations continue in dozens of cities of Iran. Every day the word of another atrocity in most areas is heard about and the women and girls are left screaming and crying.

“This is no way to run any country,” commented Dale Carter, security director for The RINJ Foundation. “Females like Nika Shakarami, 16, did not deserve to be suffering unfathomable torture, rape and murder and then killed for a legitimate act of protest.  Sarina Esmailzadeh, 16, was beaten to death by Iranian security forces for protesting for women’s rights in Iran. She should not need to protest for women’s rights. Hadis Najafi, 23, who was shot multiple times during demonstrations sparked by the horrific death of Mahsa Amini, 22 had never raised her voice before in her life but this death of Mahsa was for her the last straw. Nobody encouraged her. Her family said she was so angy at Mahsa’s murder, seeing Mahsa drop to the floor in the detention center blew her mind and left her crying for two days before she decided to protest,” continued Ms. Carter.

The discussion was very emotional and led to the group approving the assignment of their security contractor to guard duty and overwatch for any protest RINJ Women attended in Iran.

BVB Protests Theological Femicide

Large Ballspiel-Verein Borussia (Borussia club for ball games) banner protests killing of women and girls over headwear. Tears are not enough, be the voice of Sarina Esmailzadeh, a 16-year-old child. Photo credit: BVB Organization in Iran.  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Footballer Ali Daei is no longer permitted to leave Iran because he has come out in favour of women’s rights .

The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is estimated to have 190,000 active personnel at its disposal and roughly 450,000 Basij paramilitary reserve forces. The IRGC commander is Ali Khamenei the so called supreme leader.

Some 10,000 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are named in Canadian law now as people who have lost their rights to enter Canada, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has taken a leading role in fighting theological femicide in Iran, urging for women’s rights and gender equality. Iran is far from that.

My Choice!

Headwear or none, it is my choice say women and girls.

Each person has the right to choose their path