“Governments must get back to vaccinating, testing, tracing and treating COVID-19 patients and forget about mad-dash, onerous human-rights violations against whole communities instead of due healthcare diligence,” said Dr. Harris of the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 tracking team in Singapore, as the early day COVID-19 data illumionated graphs and models in the CSPAC lab in Singapore.
“We all want to move on from the pandemic. But no matter how much we wish it away, this pandemic is not over. Until we reach high vaccination coverage in all countries, we will continue to face the risk of infections surging and new variants emerging that evade,” said WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Vaccine Production, especially in Africa, is key to Pandemic Solution says WHO
During a press conference Wednesday, Dr. Tedros noted that, ‘’One of the most obvious lessons of the pandemic is the urgent need to increase local production of vaccines, especially in low- and middle-income countries. WHO is grateful to the EU for a new project that will empower African countries and partners to ensure equitable access to safe, effective, quality-assured and affordable essential medicines and other health products for their populations.’’
Hospitalization numbers in Canada have turned upward this week.
Click image to enlarge and read.
Hospitalizations in Canada are starting to climb in the past two days. Saskatchewan, which has declared the pandemic over, is getting slammed, says Dr. Harris of the CSPAC. The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue until the world has achieved high universal vaccination. (Dr. Tedros) Canadian Hospitalizations have shown an upward climb in the past two days. Previously the decline in hospitalized cases had begun to slow. For more details visit Canada Info. Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19
Province of Ontario Granular Analysis: COVID-19 Sum of Cases per region
Ontario Canada Public Health Regions Cumulative Cases COVID-19 Graph ~ Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19
Province of Ontario Granular Analysis: COVID-19 Wastewater
The dotted orange line and the lighter shaded area represent incomplete data (less than 90% of data available on a given date). The dashed red line thus represents the currently available best estimates using the statistical approaches above to account for not yet available data, but are provisional. As such they may be under- or over-estimates and may change when more data become available. To account for the proportion of the wastewater that is from humans and the proportion that is rain water, snow melt, etc., N1 and N2 gene concentrations are normalized using the seasonally stable fecal biomarker pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV). Samples are typically taken 3 times per week at each location. There is a 5 to 7 day lag between the detection of SARS-CoV-2 gene copies in the wastewater, and the diagnosis and reporting of COVID-19 cases. The wastewater signal on January 21, for example, is reflected in reported COVID-19 cases around January 26 to 28.
Citation: Jüni P, da Costa BR, Maltsev A, Katz GM, Perkhun A, Yan S, Bodmer NS. Ontario dashboard. Science Briefs of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. 2021. https://doi.org/10.47326/ocsat.dashboard.2021.1.0
Province of Ontario Granular Analysis: Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated
Click image to enlarge and read.
Citation: Jüni P, da Costa BR, Maltsev A, Katz GM, Perkhun A, Yan S, Bodmer NS. Ontario dashboard. Science Briefs of the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. 2021. https://doi.org/10.47326/ocsat.dashboard.2021.1.0
The World in Hunger
COVID-19 Pandemic plus Sanctions on Russia and the Ukraine war itself, have stopped the output of two of the world’s largest grain exporters. This means 2022 is shaping up to be a very difficult year for the global food system.
“Yet there were concerns that this system was creaking at the seams as far back as 2007. At that time there were steeply rising food prices driven by rising oil prices, explosive demand for corn-based biofuels, high shipping costs, financial market speculation, low grain reserves, severe weather disruptions in some major grain producers, and a swathe of nervy trade policies leading to further shocks that worsened the problem,” writes Derek Headey, of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Kalle Hirvonen, of the United Nations University in “American sanctions, Ukraine-War brought a food crisis to humans.”
The UN World Food Program’s director general, Josette Sheeran, described what is happening now as a “perfect storm”.
“We must help people to protect themselves and their families. It’s a large order but with the support of the international community we can do it—we must do it,” she said. And she also warned these combined factors threatened to unleash a “perfect storm” on the world’s 850 million hungry people.
Time is running out.
“I have seen in West Africa what havoc could be caused by the triple threat of climate change, rising food prices and population growth. But I have also seen that there are solutions to help people adapt before it is too late,” said Josette Sheeran.
The World in the Global SARS-CoV2 Pandemic
(Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 in Singapore.)
2022-03-25 03:55 GMT ~ Last two weeks have shown rises in new cases of COVID-19, globally.
Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Click any image to enlarge.
Below: Global 14-Day Case Notification rate per 100,000 in Weeks 10 and 11.
Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
8 Sep 2024 Russian Federation and environs COVID-19 data including Ukraine
“The numbers speak for themselves,” says Dr. Kathy Poon, interning with the
Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 in Singapore.
“In short, the Russian Federation has been hit hard, late in the Pandemic with significant Delta and Omicron outbreaks. According to military data, the disease has seriously impacted soldiers in the field, especially those members of the Russian Federation Armed Forces who have been grouped together since April 2021, creating a deadly environment for community spread of the disease. Many of the military death data coming out of Ukraine are COVID-19 related from surges that took place early in the year,” Dr. Poon added.
“But slowing down vaccinations is contraindicated,” says Dr. Harris.
“We were supposed to go do inspections in Russia on 7 March, and these inspections were postponed for a later date,” Mariângela Simão, WHO assistant-director general for Access to Medicines and Health Products, said during an early March press briefing. “New dates will be set as soon as possible,” she added. She also said the agency was facing other operational issues, including difficulties in booking flights and using credit cards.