Calls for António Guterres to resign as Secretary General of UN

“The UN failed to stand up to Russia and America invading other countries. This led to the humanitarian disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine,” says a statement from the head of a women’s rights NGO in special consultative status with the United Nations since 2017.

“First America invaded former Yugoslavia, then Iraq and then Afghanistan. Russia likely figured it would get the same impunity in 2014 when it heeded Crimea’s call for independence,” says  Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation, and she is not alone.

“This security misconduct of the United Nations and its personnel’s nearly 200 reported sexual assaults of women and children last year puts its existence in question. Above all, António Guterres must step down along with warmonger Jens Stoltenberg and Ursula von der Leyen. These three not only fail to serve their constituents; they have endangered the entire human species by occupying seats that should have been filled by competent leaders,” says  Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation, and she is not alone.

The video and its story about a patriarch out of control, making up lies in a sick quasi-video game with real lives; killing women and children; displacing millions more women; and their families, into a life of poverty and hunger.

“America and Russia, but mostly America,  displaced millions upon millions of women and children. This must stop. Wars must be stopped. And these disgusting men must be removed from office. These smooth talking males who can make one feel on top of the world are equally able to turn it upside down,” says Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation.

These are not Ukrainian targets in this video. It is a Yankee fake. Isn’t the model glamourous?

“These dramatic fake war videos are paid advertising agency works in a collection done by small film studios that have switched from their normal work to political prostitution for Washington DC.,” explains Rosa Yamamoto, art director for Rosa has worked for the companies who now produce illegitimate videos such as the one above.

“In 2022, Washington DC allocates $millions in sponsorship fees for these propaganda,” she reports.

Those men who make you feel on top of the world are equally able to turn it upside down.

“Beware of the warmongering cheerleaders who invigorate the mobs with great passion. ‘#StandWithUkraine’ is warmongering nonsense. I spent three years in Syria and have been here for a year in Afghanistan and every time I go to North America on leave to see my family, I am shocked to see what nonsense is in the media about Syria and now Afghanistan. It’s a human catastrophe made by America and they make it sound like it’s pasta without a sauce but nothing else wrong.  There are at least two sides in any war and each combatant side is each equally responsible for the sick behaviour that is going on,” suggests Gracie Edwards who runs a humanitarian operation including birthing clinics and women’s  shelters in Kandahar Province of Afghanistan.

“Passion is what makes life interesting, what ignites our soul, drives our curiosity, fuels our love and carries our friendship, stimulates our intellect, and pushes our limit…. A passion for life is contagious and uplifting. Passion cuts both ways…. Those who make you feel on top of the world are equally able to turn it upside down,” said Jon Krakauer, member of an ill-fated expedition to summit Mount Everest in 1996, one of the deadliest disasters in the history of climbing Everest.

Keeping the war going by loading in thousands of tons of weapons

“The more war, the more money the military industrial complex makes and the more money the corrupt Joe Biden Administration gets for its reelection programs, starting with the mid-term 2022 elections for the Senate and the Congress. And I do not need a Hunter Biden laptop to know about that corruption. Our parent organization ( has been in Ukraine since 2012,” explains Dale Carter who is the security director for RINJ Women.

Like President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa said, this war “could have been avoided”.

“The war could have been avoided if NATO had heeded the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials over the years that its eastward expansion would lead to greater, not less, instability in the region,” South African President Cyril Ramaphosa told his country’s lawmakers last Thursday.

This is what war really looks like. This is what war really looks like. Three injured family members grieve the loss of a fourth in their obliterated home. 14 March 2022, Ukrainian Tochka-U Cluster munitions hit Donetsk PR Capital, killing 20+. This shelling has continued from May 2014 until now. Photo Credit:  Source supplied to RINJ Women in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Like President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa says. this “could have been avoided”.

(Read if you wish: NATO East expansion blamed for Ukraine War by SA leader, Mearsheimer agrees. Focus on talks not more weapons )

The vast majority of images and video you see in North American media are fake or completely biased but not as obvious as what you see in this video above. The misleading images are intended—just like feeding thousands of tons of weapons into Ukraine is intended—to prolong the war.

Weapons loading into Ukraine Staff Sgt. Kyle Davis, 436th Aerial Port Squadron special handling supervisor, counts pallets of ammunition, weapons and other equipment bound for Ukraine during a foreign military sales mission at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Jan. 21, 2022. Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $5.4 billion in total assistance to Ukraine, including security and non-security assistance. The United States reaffirms its steadfast commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in support of a secure and prosperous Ukraine. (U.S. Air Force photo by Mauricio Campino)

“Russia’s entrance into the war was not an unprovoked attack. It was a calculated, premeditated malfeasance past the point of lending aid to Donetsk and Luhansk Republics. It could have just rescued the Russians in the Donbass and then went home,” says security expert.

“On 21 February, Vladimir Putin ordered Russian troops to “maintain peace” in the Donetsk PR and the Luhansk PR which had been under shelling by Ukraine since 2014 when they declared their independence under the UN mantra of “freedom for self determination”. The West calls Donetsk and Luhansk  “breakaway states in eastern Ukraine”,” explains Dale Carter who is a master s in Political Science and a doctoral candidate.

“Putin, on the 21st of February had instructed the Russian defence ministry to fulfill the role of “maintaining peace” in the eastern regions as Ukraine and the USA continued to amass thousands of troops on the demarcation line of Donbass, the geographical area in which Donetsk and Luhansk are established as independent republics recognized by some seven nations,” she added.

60,000 troops were on the Donbass demarcation line on 21 February 2022 Ukraine was about to invade Donetsk and Luhansk on the first of March say captured documents offered by Russian sources who plead to have their case heard. This image is of one of many abandoned Ukraine/Allies bases on the border of Ukraine and the Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk (Donbass Region) on 24 February 2022. Estimated 60 thousands of troops were preparing to attack the Russian people in Donbass in March. Ukrainian troops fled as Russian troops entered the area. They changed into their civilian clothes, threw down their uniforms and ran to mingle with the communities. Photo credit: Courtesy: The RINJ Foundation. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine


On 7 March, 2022, Major General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence said, “The special military operation of the Russian armed forces, carried out since 24 February, preempted and thwarted a large-scale offensive by strike groups of Ukrainian troops on the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, which Republics are not controlled by Kiev, in March of this year.

“There were some 60,000 Ukrainians ready to attack Russians in the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbass region, an area of a large-scale protracted humanitarian crisis affecting five million people,” explained Dale Carter of The RINJ Foundation which has been in the region since 2012 in a humanitarian capacity. (MEI-Edu-Cost-of-Conflict-in-Donbass)

“Here is what we know. The Luhansk army and the Donetsk army were mobilized by the occasional shelling of the cities of the two self-proclaimed republics. We were helping with the busses taking women, children and seniors to the Rostov region of Russia—whoever wanted to go. In the process we learned that some people who were elderly had family in the west of Donbass. Our women were nurses. They did not know much better so they said, ‘Sure, we will take you there but you must now evacuate to the west into Poland and you cannot come back here’, because that was their instructions from tghe LPR boss who is Mr. Leonid Pasechnyk. So, anyway, on their journey they ran into some injured soldiers. They were Ukrainians. It was night. They were on foot as their vehicle had been shelled or crashed or whatever.  Our people treated their injuries which mostly were minor although one likely had a concussion. Our people drove them to their base and they chatted on the way. They said they had over 60k troops in the area and they would soon attack Luhansk and Donetsk because they said those people were Russian backed local rebels. They also said they wanted to get out of that because they thought it was wrong. Could they get medical help to say they could not fight? One was wearing an American shoulder flash. They got our people through the checkpoints and deterred the Ukrainian guards from grabbing the women’s breasts, for a second time, and our driver, Lana, took the bus to the refugees’ relatives’ village and dropped them all off there and went back to Luhansk Hospital 4 via a different route. That’s how we know,” Ms. Carter explained.

“Our nurses in Mariupol have finally evacuated their patients to Russia, under fire from the Nazi brigades there, and are now working with a Kiev team.

“That team in all about 113 women from everywhere, now consolidated to organize evacuations to other parts of Europe. We are closing shop and getting out with as many thousands of people as we can. Each of 100 women will be in charge of at least 10 persons or more. We now have seven buses, that’s five in addition to what we had in February. We have one volunteer mechanic from Luhansk PR and seven experienced bus drivers. We decided the workers were no longer safe from the attacks of the militias which are forcing people to stay now and not evacuate. Thirty of our people stayed in Russia as they are native to the Russian Donbass region, and they will provide medical care for some of the 170,000 patients that they helped evacuate to Russia since the start of February,” said Ms. Carter during a costly landline call. (Cell phone communications are not working  any longer from the Donbass region.)

Ethnic Map Of Ukraine Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Because of the pandemic and because of the end to the Afghanistan war, the American military industrial complex is down $683 billion dollars in export sales over three years of the pandemic.

The end to war-profiteering in Iraq and Afghanistan according to several sources is causing a vast reduction in political campaign contributions from arms manufacturers who allocate gifts to political parties based on a percentage of sales, according to two different sales managers for arms manufacturers who asked not to be identified.

On the ground, in Ukraine, Donetsk PR, Luhansk PR, Crimea, Transnistria, we see a different story than what you see on TV and on the highly censored YouTube.

This war is not a video game.

Simon Baldock, an Israeli security consulatant, believes “war will worsen as $billions are invested in weapons to keep the Ukraine war going. The Ukraine/USA Coalition is even encouraging ordinary civilians to carry weapons and kill Russians. And they are. They are killing their neighbours too. The nuclear threshold is 100 Doomsday clock seconds away,” he said.

“The United Nations failed to stand up to Russia and America invading other countries. This is the worst UN failure in history, leading to the humanitarian disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine. The conduct of the sometimes  corrupt United Nations puts its existence in question. Above all,  António Guterres must step down along with warmonger Jens Stoltenberg and Ursula von der Leyen,” say global humanitarians.

“Mr. Guterres has been mind-numbingly circumspect on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi; the repression of Uyghur Muslims in China; the Myanmar army’s onslaught against Rohingya Muslims; the bombing of Syrian hospitals by Russian-Syrian forces; the various Trump administration outrages, including the inhumane child separation policy at the border; and other issues that might conflict with the sensibilities of the permanent five members of the Security Council,” wrote former Canadian Ambassador to the UN Stephen Lewis and his Co-Director of the Code Blue Campaign, Paula Donovan.

“Former UN senior officials, global activists, and special rapporteurs, are dismayed at the growing irrelevance of the United Nations Secretary General as the world is faced with increasingly complex global challenges,” explains Dale Carter of RINJ Women.

Did you know that the United Nations is rife with sex offences? “UN Secretary General António Guterres has failed to eradicate sexual offenses by UN personnel, charge co-directors of the Code Blue Campaign,” says former Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Stephen Louis.

The Code Blue Campaign was launched by the non-profit AIDS-Free World to end impunity for sexual abuse by UN personnel under Mr. Guterres who was the American choice for Secretary General.

Rape of UN Female Employees and Child Rape in the field are another issue:194 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN personnel in 2021, a 21 percent increase over the 160 allegations recorded in 2020.

“This must be stopped,” said Dale carter who works for an organization that is in consultative status to the United Nations, (maybe not for long).

“In the current crisis,” she added, “The United Nations and NATO are in the pocket of America and singing in a choir that has the wrong song. Complaining that civilians are being harmed while arming those same civilians plus rogue looters, rapists, and neo-Nazi militia’s, is contraindicated because then, there are no civilians, everybody is an armed combatant in some kind of militia. Walk with me through Donbass and as you are being fired upon with military weapons in apartment building windows, tell me how you would, if you were a soldier, defend yourself?” cautioned Ms. Dale Carter.

“Civilians are entitled to protection against the dangers arising from military operations,” insisted Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, as she briefed the Council on the latest events.

But they are not civilians if they are armed-to-the-teeth combatants/illegal combatants as per the Geneva Conventions. USA, UN and NATO are sacrificing Ukraine civilians to make war crime claims, but armed civilians are actually combatants.

“There is nothing glamorous or romantic about war. It’s mostly about random pointless death and misery.”

There are no “good guys”. Killing humans is all bad.

Over ten million people have lost their homes, belongings, livelihood and freedom as displaced persons and “over ten thousand have died. Far more than that,” according to medical examiners who are struggling to keep up, in fact failing to keep up, the deaths are happening so fast.

“The world is sick and its institutions are the sickest. $1 Trillion a year on arms and over 800 USA military bases, weapons depots, and military detachments run by the Pentagon, including 30 biolabs containing deadly infectious pathogens, like anthrax and SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, all over the world: this is insanity for a species on an already dying planet,” say RINJ Women.

Plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases are in American labs in places like Ukraine, Philippines and over two dozen others.

Plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases in American labs in Ukraine, Philippines Plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera, and other deadly diseases in American labs in Ukraine, Philippines and over two dozen others. Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical, and biological defense of the Russian armed forces, reported that Russian forces found 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine, possibly used to develop biological weapons.
“The Russian Defense Ministry has repeatedly drawn attention to the military biological programs that are being implemented by the Pentagon in post-Soviet countries, including on the territory of Ukraine, where a network of more than 30 biological laboratories has been formed, which can be divided into research and sanitary-epidemiological ones,” Kirillov said.

Some $2 trillion dollars are spent on weapons each year, around the world by 2020, $1 Trillion by America which prints its own money and bullies the world leaders from over 800 military bases or detachments around the world in 80 countries as of July 2021, according to David Vine, ​​professor of political anthropology at the American University in Washington, DC.

It’s time now to sign up and raise your voices for peace. No more wars. Nuclear disarmament must now start to happen because we are into a nuclear arms race that will end the planet. Not just the people but every living species will be ended in the next nuclear war.

Join voices

We must end NATO and end the American hegemony. Humankind must stop buying weapons.

Our species must start now cleaning our planet;

* building a real future;

* solve disease;

* solve the sustainable clean energy crisis; or

* the species needs to leave Earth and live somewhere else, or die.

Feminine-Perspective Voices For Peace End The 2022 Hybrid WWIII  Eastern Europe: https://feminiine-perspective,com/voices/
Ending this hybrid world war requires nations to end their own part of the warfare and start negotiations. America’s weaponizing Europe for its own hegemony has started another war. It is time to demilitarize the human race and start fighting the real demons; pathogenic microbes and climate change. If the $2 Trillion per year spent on weapons was diverted to cleaning up pollution and finding sustainable clean energy, the human race would benefit.. ~ Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Please join us, in memory of Author Cathy Williams an advocate for peace, love and human development. May she rest in peace.