USA COVID and warfighting have what in common? Conflict


  1. America needs conflict to increase weapons sales in 2022 compensating for a 2021 drop in sales of over $37 billion dollars. Fortunately the USA thrives on conflict but conflict is killing Americans on the  COVID-19 front, over 870k Americans thus far.
  2. Arms sales in America have a strategic purpose. American influence is declining because of falling weapons sales among other things, like Donald Trump. Biden has been told this and is trying with whopping lies to scare the allied leaders  with nightmare scenarios of sudden war with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.
  3. The big lies: Putin does not plan to take Ukraine territory, he wants NATO to back off with its missiles and troops from his borders as Biden well knows. 35K to 65K Russian troops have been in Russia near the border for the best part of a year. The Pentagon release about imminent war, is a lie.
  4. Withheld from Americans this truth is why Biden is picking a fight using persistent  provocation of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Biden may want allies in an arms race or a contained war, but not nuclear war.
  5. America’s arms sales have two basic self-interest mechanisms: shifting the balance of power in favour of current USA political interests and exerting leverage over the conduct of recipient nations including outright bullying.
  6. The conflict between the rich ruling class in America and the poor in America sets the rich up as industrious, entrepreneurial, patriotic and the drivers of economic success. The tens of millions of poor people are wasters, losers and scammers.

Lead Comment by Micheal John and Sharon Santiago

Update: A final edit was bypassed by a preview release. This is the update.

America’s coaxing Britain to Brexit has not paid off

Not even the nuclear proliferation AUKUS has helped. Stabbing Emmanuel Macron in the back with the AUKUS plan to undo the France-Australia 90 submarine contracts, America and Britain will instead provide Australia with eight nuclear submarines at a substantial cost and a dangerous need to set up near-weapons grade materials production and radioactive waste disposal in Australia.

US Military Sales have dropped over $37 Billion. Biden looks for a war. Direct military sales by U.S. companies fell 17% to $103 billion in fiscal 2021 from $124 billion in fiscal 2020, while sales arranged through the U.S. government fell 31% to $34.8 billion in 2021 from $50.8 billion the prior year, the USA State Department said.
File Photo Credit: U.S. Army Security Assistance Command Photo by Richard Bumgardner

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Drushal, second from left, commander of U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, discusses Saudi foreign military sales cases with members of the executive committee during the U.S. and Saudi Grand Security Assistance Review held in Washington, D.C., July 15-19 2019.

US Foreign Military sales tanked during the pandemic says State Department.

The direct military sales by U.S. companies fell 17% to $103 billion in fiscal 2021 from $124 billion in fiscal 2020, while sales arranged through the U.S. government fell 31% to $34.8 billion in 2021 from $50.8 billion the prior year, says the USA State Department according to a Reuters report.

Joseph Biden’s foreign policies and domestic policies (‘The United States must lead the world.’) are between the lines, diatribes that generate antipathy and even hatred for Biden’s proposal of  enemies. In this way, American allies are roped into the US-hegemon in a new set of war-threats allies must suddenly equip themselves for by purchasing American weapons systems.

Countries in America’s sphere of influence follow the Cold-War-thinking hate protocols of the Biden Administration in varying degrees.

Anyone in the American sphere of influence must learn to hate Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Afghanistan, and stop doing business with France, all of which are victims of American sanctions or hushed black lists.

Canadians, for example, are thrashed if the country doesn’t do the USA-racist protocols, because 75% of Canada’s exports are sold to the USA. Add to that the sales that exist because of USA influence and it is safe to say that America provides nearly all of Canada’s GDP.

Canada’s sovereignty has been under question since Trudeau took the reins of power.

America with Trudeau’s help in the kidnap of a Chinese princess killed the business relationship with Canada’s second best customer, China.

Blinken and Biden seem to actually believe the American jingoistic propaganda nonsense narrative. They stand to lose even more $billions in arms sales otherwise.

  1. Regardless of Biden’s outrageous talking points, Russia is not provoking war it is backed into a corner, surrounded by NATO weaponry.
  2. America is struggling with plummeting arms sales and needs to stir up conflicts.
  3. America has forced Russia into a corner from which it can only fight its way out.
  4. Russia and China together are better armed than America.
  5. America is provoking war and has withdrawn from all arms control treaties with Russia and has undertaken a massive nuclear weapons buildup program, missiles and nuclear warheads included, for Europe and for the Asian Seas region.
  6. Russia has been provoked by NATO which has surrounded Russia with missiles and troops since 1997.
  7.  America is planning to mount a Ukraine insurgency somewhat like the one it utterly  failed in Afghanistan, “By combining serving military units with combat veterans, reservists, territorial defense units and large numbers of volunteers, Ukraine can create tens of thousands of small and highly mobile groups capable of attacking Russian forces. This will make it virtually impossible for the Kremlin to establish any kind of administration over occupied areas or secure its lines of supply,” writes a former Ukrainian defense minister, Andriy P. Zagorodnyuk, in an op-ed for the Atlantic Council on Sunday.
  8. “The regions of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic are the people the Americans are calling separatists. They are ethnic Russians separated from Russia by the breakdown of the Soviet Union. Russia has been contemplating a defence of these peoples and has begun exercises with some 45,000 troops along Russia’s eastern borders,” says a RINJ Women organizer in the north of Moscow whose husband is in the Russian Army.

“American/NATO propaganda, is disingenuous claptrap written for the great unwashed and approved in the USA and published on the NATO web site,” according to three Washington DC sources, “therefore substitute the word ‘NATO’ for ‘USA’,” they say.

The nearly defunct NATO which has no legitimate purpose since the end of the Cold War three decades ago, as a “threat”
Claim: NATO’s presence in the Baltic region is dangerous
Claim: NATO missile defence threatens Russian security
Claim: NATO is aggressive and a threat to Russia
Claim: NATO enlargement threatens Russia

Promises and pledges
Claim: NATO nuclear sharing and nuclear exercises violate the Non-Proliferation Treaty
Claim: NATO’s enhanced forward presence violates the NATO-Russia Founding Act?
Claim: NATO promised Russia it would not expand after the Cold War

NATO’s Cooperation with Russia
Claim: By suspending practical cooperation with Russia, NATO undermines security

NATO enlargement
Claim: Russia has the right to demand a guarantee that Ukraine and Georgia will not join NATO
Claim: NATO has bases all around the world

NATO and its attitude to Russia
Claim: NATO whips up ‘hysteria’ over Russia’s exercises
Claim: NATO is a U.S. geopolitical project
Claim: NATO has tried to isolate or marginalise Russia
Claim: NATO should have been disbanded at the end of the Cold War

NATO’s operations
Claim: NATO’s operation in Afghanistan was a failure
Claim: NATO’s operation over Libya was illegitimate
Claim: NATO’s operation over Kosovo was illegitimate

From NATO-Russia relations: the facts 

“The completely Dr. Strangelove Antony Blinken who must think he is Mike Pompeo and Mark Esper combined, cheered for Israel’s missile attacks last May killing children and their moms in Gaza, and now has been taunting if not directly attacking China and Russia since his first hours in office. This mentally white-supremacist, unbalanced, egocentric has started several alternative wars which America is losing,” suggests Simon Baldock, an Israeli security analyst.

“The Biden enemies include China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, France, people who are black, people who are brown, people who are yellow, people who are Muslim,” Mr. Baldock suggested.

America's true legacy is the mass murder of civilians, mostly women and children. The truth about America’s Legacy. Sole Survivor of her family weeps atop her USA-bombed home in North Korea. Legacy file photo from Korean War.

“Merciless sanctions have been killing civilians in many of the countries Joe Biden propaganda claims as enemies,” says analyst. “But they have not stopped the proliferation of nuclear weapons aimed at America.”

“It should be no surprise that American sanctions and naval blockade of the DPRK has killed thousands of children according to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health because of the lack of imported foodstuffs and medicines. America killed millions of North Koreans since the country was born,” Mr. Baldock added.

“Carpet bombing, which included 32,000 tons of napalm, often deliberately targeted civilian as well as military targets, devastating the country far beyond what was necessary to fight the war,” wrote Max Fisher in “Americans have forgotten what we did to North Korea“.

“Each of these enemies represent an opportunity to sell weapons to fight China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan, countries whose people are black, brown, yellow, or people who are of the Muslim faith,” adds Mr. Baldock.

“The weapons sales conquests are the US DoD, and all antagonists to the aforementioned enemies,” said Mr. Baldock.

The first choice for American weapons sales are the wealthy Anglo nations like Australia, England, Canada, New Zealand, and maybe at times the Philippines when America is looking for a country from which to fight wars against China, and a nearly five dozen others like Afghanistan, Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Chad, Colombia, Czechia, Denmark, DR Congo, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, NATO, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, and some unknown recipients who have never dropped a nuclear bomb on anyone, unlike America.

According to Defense News Magazine, “in total for the 2016-2020 time period, the United States accounted for 37 percent of military sales, Russia 20 percent, France 8.2 percent, Germany 5.5 percent, China 5.2 percent, the United Kingdom 3.3 percent, Spain 3.2 percent, Israel 3 percent, South Korea 2.7 percent and Italy 2.2 percent.

The key focus of the theoretically antique Biden administration is producing, and selling more weapons and their American overseen systems so that allies and surrogates could attack America’s enemies and kill them with America’s remote assistance.

That philosophy worked for as long as America could assure its people that none of these weapons sold and foreign-made would be used against domestic cities.

Today DPRK is successfully test-launching super-fast hypersonic missiles capable of carrying some of the DPRK’s five to six dozen nuclear warheads, some of which are city killers.

Read if you wish: US Congressional Research: North-Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile programs-Dec-13-2021

Looking at weapons sales and COVID together, the Rich get Richer and the poor are dying.

US billionaires make mega-bucks from weapons sales & crony COVID contracts. The 1% rich are richer, healthier, as 99% of USA people are sick, poor, dying.

Oxfam says it this way:New billionaire minted every 26 hours, as inequality contributes to the death of one person every four seconds.”

An Oxfam study suggests that billionaires’ wealth has risen more since COVID-19 began than it has in the last 14 years. At $5 trillion dollars, this is the biggest surge in billionaire wealth since records began. A one-off 99 percent tax on the ten richest men’s pandemic windfalls, for example, could pay:

* to make enough vaccines for the world; and

* to provide universal healthcare and social protection, fund climate adaptation and reduce gender-based violence in over 80 countries.

* All this, while still leaving these men $8 billion better off than they were before the pandemic. Citing: Oxfam International

“The United States, one of the world’s richest nations and the ‘land of opportunity,’ is fast becoming a champion of inequality,” said a 2018 UN Report.

In 2018, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston. wrote, “American Dream is rapidly becoming American Illusion”.

“American exceptionalism was a constant theme in my conversations.  But instead of realizing its founders’ admirable commitments, today’s United States has proved itself to be exceptional in far more problematic ways that are shockingly at odds with its immense wealth and its founding commitment to human rights.

“There is no other developed country where so many voters are disenfranchised and where so few poor voters even care to go to the polls, and where ordinary voters ultimately have so little impact on political outcomes. There are no other developed countries in which so many citizens are behind bars.”

The rich and the politicians in Washington they own, see the poor as wasters, losers and scammers.

The Special Rapporteur continued: “I have been struck by the extent to which caricatured narratives about the purported innate differences between rich and poor have been sold to the electorate by some politicians and media, and have been allowed to define the debate. The rich are industrious, entrepreneurial, patriotic and the drivers of economic success. The poor are wasters, losers and scammers.

“Despite the fact that this is contradicted by the facts, some of the politicians and political appointees with whom I spoke were completely sold on the narrative of such scammers sitting on comfortable sofas, watching colour TVs, while surfing on their smartphones, all paid for by welfare.

“I wonder how many of these politicians have ever visited poor areas, let alone spoken to those who dwell there,” Philip Alston mused.

Oxfam is saying that the situation in America has become much worse.

The rich and the politicians in Washington they own, see the poor as wasters, losers and scammers. The rich and the politicians in Washington they own, see the poor as wasters, losers and scammers. Photo Credit: Video Capture  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine