Russia responds to Biden’s USA-vs-Russia War but it is still not about Ukraine

“There are two sides to this story. The American side is a pack of Biden political lies says the evidence in-country, in Donbass, and on the Russian border,” say investigators and security analysts digging up the data in the conflict zone.

Russia has again declared in writing to the USA that it has no intention of invading Ukraine. But there are over 120,000 Ukraine and American troops as well as Canadians facing off against the people of Donetsk PR and Luhansk PR.

Dimitry Polyanskiy Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations says that because of this massive buildup of Ukrainian, American, British, Australian, Canadian, and other nations weapons and troops along the border with Russia, Luhansk PR and Donetsk PR, “shelling civilians”, it will keep its troops at the border and “that that is nobody’s business” where in Russia, the Federation parks its jeep. (Watch CBS interview video.)

With nowhere near sufficient troops at the border to invade Ukraine according to military sources in the Ukraine, Russia says it never did intend to invade Ukraine.
But today, events are unfolding that point to America and NATO pushing for major war on the basis of a failed exaggeration of what Russia is doing in its workup to the 2022 International Army Games  2022 it is hosting for 45 nations.

Video: As each military unit finishes its exercises, it leaves the maneuver area and heads back to its permanent base. That does not yet apply to many troops but after the 20th of February, exercises in Belarus are planned to depart for home,” say Russian Ministry of Defence officials.

Breaking News

  • Joe Biden has installed upwards to 38,500 troops in Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia according to estimates of 9  observers in the region, and over 80,000 American troops are preparing for war in other nations of Europe. These are NATO nations, some of which the Russian Federation protests.
  • America has moved quickly to install intermediate range nuclear missiles into Europe, say several women in the US military who do not wish to be identified.
  • “The rank and file of the American military is deeply concerned about what Biden is doing,” said one women who is in a position to know many of the current activities but does not wish to be identified.
  • Russia has submitted a written response to America’s refusal to deal with Russian complaints about the creeping advancement of NATO tio its borders. Russia said it is not considering its key complaints as negotiable and will act accordingly.

Dimitry Polyanskiy Deputy Permanent Rep of Russia to UN “Russia has no intent of invading Ukraine.” Dimitry Polyanskiy
Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations in CBS interview. 17 February 2022 Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

American military tents sprawl across hundreds of acres in Poland, overnight as US troops get caught traveling back and forth into Ukraine in low level helicopter flights.

American military tents sprawl across hundreds of acres in Poland at the Ukraine border. American military tents sprawl across hundreds of acres in Poland overnight at the Ukraine border. American troops secretly bivouacked on the Polish side of the Ukraine/Poland border, occasionally venturing into Ukraine moving troops and officers plus equipment in and out. Blackberry Photo Credit: Source supplied.


Bart Gorman persona non grataThe US is allegedly considering a revenge response after Moscow sent senior diplomat Bartle Gorman home to America, persona non grata, with cause.

Bart Gorman was the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Mr. Gorman is responsible for managing key aspects of the U.S. – Russia relationship. Bart Gorman Photo Credit:  Source: US Embassy in Russia


America has made a pretext of sending its troops in Ukraine home. This is untrue say women in the Donetsk PR who are members of a chapter of RINJ Women. We have seen the Americans today, even. They are shelling us.

It’s standard in the West to speak of Russian President Vladimir Putin as the bad guy, and to see the present Russian positioning as yet more of Russian aggression of the Afghanistan kind, and earlier into East Europe after World War II.

But the changing map over recent years tells a different story. It tells the story of a steady North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) advance into Eastern Europe to confront Russia.

“The extent and speed of that advance would inevitably have a Russian President worried. And signs of a recognition of legitimate Russian worry are beginning to show through cracks within NATO. Most significantly by way of positions taken by French President Emmanuel Macron. But there are other signs; the German naval chief was forced to resign after declaring that Putin’s position was understandable and that he is not necessarily invasively inclined,” writes  Sanjay Suri for CNBC

Watch: “There are two sides to this story. Joseph Biden’s side from all appearances, and from deep investigation, is a pack of boldfaced lies,” says Israeli security analyst Simon Baldock and company who have been in the contested regions since the start of the month and have witnessed Americans shelling the civilian infrastructure, provoking the people of the nation states of Donetsk PR and Luhansk PR, by their right to self determination.

Women participate This year, the Russian Federation hosts the International Army Games 2022 with 45 nations participating. There will be thousands of troops from all over the world competing, including women. Photo Credit: Russian Federation Ministry of Defence

This year, the Russian Federation hosts the International Army Games 2022 with 45 nations participating. There will be thousands of troops from all over the world competing, including women.

In recent exercises in all areas of military operations, over 9,000 Russian contestants have been selected for final training and participating in these ‘Army Olympics’ with 44 other nations.

Watch Dramatic Video:

This year, the Russian Federation hosts the International Army Games 2022 with 45 nations participating. There will be thousands of troops from all over the world participating. In recent exercises in all areas of military operations, over 9,000 Russian contestants have been selected for final training and participating in these ‘Army Olympics’ with 44 other nations.

Many Women, some of whom are seen in this video, in the Russian Armed Forces, will be competing for some top prizes and massive career opportunities including increased pay and promotions in rank. [Go girls!]

Meanwhile, this year, Women will be competing in Army Games 2022 and Women will operate business stands in a unique opportunity to sell product and services to Russia.

Women have been invited to participate 15-21 August 2022 in a special trade show that is tied to this years ‘Army Sports Games’.

“If you are thinking about approaching the Russian industry market and would like to have your product included in the supply chain in Russian industrial and defence products International Military-Technical Forum “ARMY-2022” could become your best opportunity to demonstrate your outstanding products and negotiate directly with the representatives of Russian defence and civil industries,” say organizers (Book a Stand).

The Defence Industry is no longer dominated by men.

Four of America’s  five biggest defence manufacturers’ top executives, (Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and Boeing’s defence division) have been women.

“A distinctive feature of Forum “Army” in 2021 is the fact that this year the Forum will be held jointly with the 6th International Army Games. A spectacular competition show will largely diversify traditional demonstration program of Forum “Army 2022” and bring special joy to all the visitors and participants of the. The introduction of a number of Games contests to the Forum’s demonstration program will make it even more interesting and make it possible for experts and visitors to see foreign armored vehicles,” say the event organizers. (Book a Stand).

Two Sides of the story. civilians were being shelled by Americans as this article was being prepared. There are two sides to this story. Nevelske is a former settlement in Donetsk PR destroyed in November 2021 shelling by Ukrainians and Americans. Humanitarians are alarmed at the continued shelling of urban residential areas of Luhansk PR and Donetsk PR. American mercenaries in large numbers have been shelling infrastructure like clean water and sanitation facilities in the cities and villages of Luhansk PR and Donetsk PR. File Photo Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine