Hospitalizations too high in Canada: add beds permanently before ending Vax-Mandate

“Freedom Convoy 2022 demonstrators in Canada could go home knowing that hospital beds need to be added to accommodate additional sickness and deaths, then mandates can be released,” say doctors examining the global situation during a civil society COVID-19 data conference in Southeast Asia.

As the conference of Civil Society partners against COVID-19 convened via Zoom in Singapore concluded Thursday, a statement was released about the Canadian situation in particular, hoping that sober second thought on releasing mandates will include a schedule for increasing hospital beds and preparing for increased deaths from COVID-19.

“The cost of adding hospital beds is less than the cost of tanking the economy,” suggests one of the conveners. “Demonstrators can go home knowing that hospital beds need to be added to accommodate additional sickness, then mandates can be released.”

The data considered as set out by the team: 

  • “Canada has too few hospital beds.
  • “Hospitalizations in Canada have only dropped slightly in February 2022.
  • “Hospitalizations are at crisis level for Canada.
  • “Deaths from COVID-19 are increasing and will continue to increase in February through early March 2022 according to the CSPaC COVID-19 tracking team in Singapore.
  • “The cost of increasing hospital beds is less than the cost of tanking the economy.”

Citing: Statisticians and scientists agree Canada can drop COVID-Mandates if hospital beds are increased

Increase the number of hospital beds permanently to eliminate COVID-19 Mandates

“Statistics indicate Canada should increase the number of hospital beds in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta, in no particular order,” says Dr. Harris of the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19. 

“Also, there is a problem with seniors homes and how they are constructed and managed. Expect another pandemic like this one within four years and that will be a guideline for how to plan, senior’s facilities,” he said.

 Number of COVID-19 patients in Canadian hospitals per million Number of COVID-19 patients in Canadian hospitals per million Canadians. Period: March 2020 through 9 February 2022. Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19
See all Canada COVID-19 Data

Canadians Hospitalized due to COVID-19 Actual number of Canadians Hospitalized due to COVID-19
Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19