Experts say Canada COVID-19 daily active cases plateaued too high but vaccinating kids will help.

Pediatric vaccines will jab kid’s arms by Friday in Alberta Canada.

Alberta has been slammed by COVID-19, hence mothers are happy to hear the news that premiere Kinney has landed the pediatric jabs.

“Vaccinating small children is going to help as a significant winter spike in COVID-19 cases is expected. Canada has not resolved the fourth wave and that does not bode well for the Christmas season and Canada’s cold winter months, ahead” said Dr. Nassima al Amouri, during a recent conference of the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 (CSPAC).

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney joins two other premiers announcing at the start of the week that these provinces have received  pediatric BioNTech vaccine doses for children.  Premiere Kinney says his share of the pediatric doses are being distributed to the 120 health-unit regions of Alberta.

Starting today at 8 a.m. Edmonton time, “parents and guardians will be able to book first-dose appointments for children between ages five and 11 to help protect them, their loved ones and our communities from COVID-19,” said Jason Kenney on Tuesday.

Saskatchewan children will also start vaccinations on Friday.

“The addition of the vaccine for our five- to 11-year-olds puts us one step closer to ending the pandemic,” said Sheila Anderson, who heads the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s (SHA) COVID-19 immunization pprogramme.

“Together, by taking the right steps and supporting all those eligible to get them vaccinated, we can finish the fight against COVID-19,” she said optimistically.

British Colombia snagged 90K child-vaccine registrations by Wednesday.

Bonnie Henry, the province’s health officer, said up to 350,000 children will be eligible for the vaccine.

Canada COVID-19 Daily Active Cases Experts say Canada COVID-19 Daily Active Cases Plateaued far too high. Last Updated: 2021-11-24 Time 12:05:35 GMT. Source: CSPaC Civil Society Partners against COVID-19

“Canada is heading into some difficult times
as much of the rest of the world is beginning to feel the impact of a winter surge in deaths and a massive rise in cases. The World Health Organization has issued warnings to Europe in the start of the week,” observed Dr. Fred Harris, a biostatistician and infectious disease researcher with the CSPaC team in Singapore.

“We are watching data all around the world with considerable concern. The high number of COVID-19 cases in the Netherlands despite the country exceeding 90% vaccination of its population is more than worrisome,” noted Kathy Poon, a biostatistician working with Dr. Harris.

“Probably by the end of this winter, as is sometimes cynically said, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, cured or dead,” Jens Spahn, German Health Minister said as he urged more Germans to get vaccinated.

Nurse Adjusts IV in North Ossetia-Alania hospital Nurse Adjusts IV in North Ossetia-Alania hospital. Eastern Europe has been struggling with a heavy case load but having good outcomes for patients inoculated with the Sputnik V Photo Credit: Sputnik-Ossetia

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11 Sep 2024 Details COVID-19 Infections Summary for Canadian Provinces (Constantly updating)

11 Sep 2024 COVID-19 Data for Canada from CSPaC


Global COVID-19 Graph One month before Christmas Global COVID-19 Graph One month before Christmas Above: Asia, Europe, Africa, America CoVID19 Cases. Click image to enlarge. Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 2021-11-24T13:53:33Z

Above:Asia, Europe, Africa, America COVID19 Cases.

Click image to enlarge. Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control