If the CCP was legit, it would not need to kill off the press or grab Canadian Women

“Xi Jinping must have a deity complex or has just lost his mind, because he just pissed off two of my favorite women, Nancy Pelosi and Denise Ho, expecting to get away with snatching a Canadian pop hero, Shero, and fellow Canadian,” says Katie Alsop of RINJ Women a global women’s rights group.

“Xi Jinping grabbed a Canadian Woman!  Because she is gay? Because she is on the Board of Directors of a Hong Kong media organization? Because she is a woman? Whatever, she must be released immediately, because hell hath no fury than…” says founding director of an angry global women’s rights group, the people who backed Meng Wenzhou.

China is joining the United States and Germany this month in a move to suppress news media coverage these governments don’t like.

Earlier this month, both America and Germany launched an assault on Russian media outlets cancelling media coverage to literally hundreds of millions of subscribers. Now China is at it again too.

This article gives readers a deeper women’s context on a current global news story, then adds some reaction from NGO workers recently extracted from China because of recent “anti-free-speech” developments.

By Melissa Hemingway

According to the Council on Foreign Relations:

  1. “China has one of the world’s most restrictive media environments, relying on censorship to control information in the news, online, and on social media.
  2. “The government uses libel lawsuits, arrests, and other means to force Chinese journalists and media organizations to censor themselves. Thirty-eight journalists were imprisoned in China in 2017.
  3. “China blocks many U.S. websites, including Facebook, Instagram, and some Google services, though the Chinese public has found ways to circumvent the so-called Great Firewall.” Citing: Media Censorship in China


Now, in what should be a slow news period between Christmas and New Years,  China is adding its own new item to a mega-litany of attacks on free speech and attacks on the news media as some 488 journalists around the world, including 60 women, languish in dingy jails for doing their job, according to Reporters Without Borders’ statements.

China in a long-established effort to control freedom of speech and news media, it just shut down the last semblance of pro-democracy news writers in Hong Kong and the related infrastructure of Stand News/Hong Kong which as a non-profit media organization set up in 2014.

This news follows China’s recent staggering news of the closure of Jimmy Lai’s Apple Daily, a highly acclaimed and oft-cited commercial free press enterprise.

On 29 December, China’s police force in Hong Kong hauled away to jail Stand News editors Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam, plus current and past Stand News board of directors members including Denise Ho, Margaret Ng, Chow Tat-chi, and Christine Fang.

Yes, THAT Denis Ho is in the Commie Slammer

China throws Nancy Pelossi's friends in the slammer. Denise Ho (right) and Nathan Law meeting with U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
in the Speaker’s Office, US Capitol. Photo Credit: Speaker’s Office/Twitter
“Xi Jinping must think he is God because he just pissed off two of my favorite women,” says Katie Alsop of The RINJ Women.  US Congress Speaker Nancy Pelosi meets with Hong Kong singer Denise Ho in the US Capitol on September 18, 2019.

“Xi Jinping grabbed a Canadian Woman!  You did w h a t? Because she is gay? Because she is on the Board of Directors of a Hong Kong media organization? Because she is a woman? Whatever, she must be released immediately, because hell hath no fury than…” says founding director of an angry global women’s rights group, the people who backed Meng Wenzhou.

These people from Stand News have been arrested and their publication’s assets frozen because of criticisms of the Chinese Communist Party (CPP)?

Hong Kong Police used a vague 1938 law under then British rule that penalized persons for words and actions of sedition. In this case, police told at least two people the charge was about “conspiring to publish seditious content” rather than actually doing it. No mention has been made of any actual seditious content but some 15 dozen police showed up at the offices of Stand News in Hong Kong to arrest seven people. Another band of police went to the home of Ronson Chan, who is head of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, and nabbed him too according to former journalists working for Stand News who wish not to be identified.

Reaction around the world has been swift and harsh. Journalism is not sedition.

“The Hong Kong government’s December 29 raid and arrest of seven senior staff at Stand News,” says the USA State Department which is not in any winners’ circle as a defender of a free press but had been doing its own skullduggery to throttle free speech in Europe, “have forced yet another of the few remaining bastions of free and independent media in Hong Kong to cease operations.  Journalism is not sedition.  We call on PRC and Hong Kong authorities to cease targeting Hong Kong’s free and independent media and to immediately release those journalists and media executives who have been unjustly detained and charged.

“Freedom of expression, including media freedom, and access to information provided by an independent media are critical to prosperous and secure societies.  These freedoms enabled Hong Kong to flourish as a global center for finance, trade, education, and culture.  By silencing independent media, PRC and local authorities undermine Hong Kong’s credibility and viability.  A confident government that is unafraid of the truth embraces a free press.”

Citing:   | 30 December, 2021 about 4 hours ago.

CCP Is the problem “Here is the problem. The CCP’s incompetent leadership across the board in 2021 has led to the group of seven old men who run China, fearing their own shadow. They do not know what they are doing and they fear the media will expose their incompetence to the Chinese people and cause a revolt.
With power concentrated in the hands of seven men, being overthrown is a grave risk because these men are not liked any longer. Hence they shut down the media and everything good. No free press. ‘Report what we say or be imprisoned.’
I sadly left my beautiful home in China for a valid reason: freedom.”
Statement of a health care worker who fled China after being too critical of Ms. Peng’s case. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

An insider look from a former CCP Member

“The communist party of China  is a doddering old-man’s criminal cult that lacks intelligent doctrine; has no progressive leadership; and replaces the reality of wrinkled old penises with military weapons, battering rams, and bullies of journalists,” critiques a nurse who was recently extracted from China after she scolded government officials for the treatment of Peng Shuai and so the political police set out to arrest her.

“Don’t think I am just in a sour grapes mood because I had to leave my home for  criticizing the government. If the CCP was legit, it would not need to kill off the free speech or the press.”

“The country is run be seven old males in the CCP Politburo Standing Committee. They have an average age of decrepit. These seven men including Xi Jinping They are always thinking they can get away with dorking the female help. They make very foolish justifications for the things the CCP  proclaims and the crazy things it does. For example, the justification for the argument that China owns Taiwan is pure hocus pocus. There is no legitimate justification for the claim that China owns the South China Sea,” nurse Sara Qin added.

“Here is the problem. The CCP’s incompetent leadership across the board in 2021 has led to the group of seven old men who run China, fearing their own shadow. They do not know what they are doing and they fear the media will expose their incompetence to the Chinese people and cause a revolt,” she said.

“With power concentrated in the hands of seven men, being overthrown is a grave risk because these men are not liked any longer. Hence they shut down the media and everything good. No free press. ‘Report what we say or be imprisoned.’

I sadly left my beautiful home in China for a valid reason: freedom.”