Human race failure at solidarity is an end game says Feminists

The RINJ Women have proposed a COVID-19 Vaccine “Caring-and-Sharing paradigm for equitable distribution of Vaccines by Women-led countries.”

“We are asking women-led nations to donate vaccines to countries that cannot produce their own,” says the global NGO in a statement on its website.

“On 13 April, 2021, some developing countries had a Case Fatality Rate between 4% and 9 %. Those numbers are growing as more dangerous VOC spread,” says Civil Society Solidarity Team  biostatistician, Fred Harris.

by Sharon Santiago and Micheal John

Courtesy RINJ Foundation. The RINJ Women are Proposing a COVID-19 Vaccine “Caring-and-Sharing paradigm” to be executed by women-led nations. Screen Capture. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

Be the one to really care. Be the one to really care.
Photo credit: Melissa Hemingway
Caring and sharing regime against a single enemy, a primitive organism between alive and dead, dividing us, defeating us, killing us.

“Wave after wave of surges will continue to hit the human race until every human is vaccinated with an effective vaccine against the coming new VOC.,” Mr. Harris added.

“Over the next ten years, if only 36% of the population is vaccinated,” continued Mr. Harris, “with a vaccine that is efficacious against the coming new and more deadly variants, 95% of the human race will be wiped out by 2031. That is in accordance to one of the computer generated models of the Civil Society Solidarity Team against COVID-19,” he said.

“That is not the only scenario, there are very many, but that is where the human race is headed right now and that has been clearly expressed by the United Nations,” added Harris.

Read: COVID-19 dividing, defeating human race. Caring and sharing needed now ~ RINJ

WHO Experts and many others sound terrified and even angry at what is happening with ‘Vaccine Nationalism’ and at how COVAX is failing to obtain enough vaccines despite its other successes.   Rich-country-hording is the problem say many independent experts. COVAX has now shut down deliveries and may not continue until after June? It has no vaccines.

An estimated 16% of the world population may be vaccinated now, or may soon be vaccinated, mostly in wealthy countries. But some computer generated models suggest that percentile will never exceed 36% of the human race because poorer countries are being overlooked. They don’t have vaccines. That could lead to a decimation of the human race over the next ten years.

The “inequitable” vaccine distribution was a “catastrophic moral failure and a “failed opportunity,” Michael Ryan, executive director of WHO Health Emergencies Program, said in March.

“The inequitable distribution of vaccines is not just a moral outrage. It’s also economically and epidemiologically self-defeating,” said, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the Wolrd Health Organizaton director-general.

“Some countries are racing to vaccinate their entire populations— while other countries have nothing,” added Dr. Tedros.

Civil Society Solidarity Team against COVID-19 biostatistician Fred Harris says that their data indicates “a person can still get the SARS-CoV-2 and any VOC even after being fully vaccinated, which means if a vaccinated person does get an infection, even without symptoms, they could still spread the virus.”

Explaining why COVAX is failing, an expert says wealthy countries are stockpiling far more vaccines than they need, enough to vaccinate their populations many time over.

“This vaccine hording is very much like what has happened with FFP respirators like the N95s and other PPE,”  says Dr. Buni, a frontline medical practitioner in Syria.

“Wealthy countries are scuppering COVAX,” says La Trobe University’s Deborah Gleeson, speaking to ABC (Australia) reporter Belinda Smith in an interview.

Dr. Gleeson researches how international trade agreements affect access to medicines.

“I think the COVAX program was a really good idea  in terms of a mechanism for purchasing and distributing vaccines in an equitable way around the world,” Dr Gleeson said.

“But COVAX has  been undermined by the way wealthy countries have negotiated deals with pharmaceutical companies and made a global grab for vaccines, and that has meant there’s been really limited supply for COVAX to use to meet the needs of low-income countries.”



Here is what is really happening around the world.

9 Sep 2024